Saturday, April 19, 2008

Catching up, spouting off

I haven't posted for a little while because things are changing rapidly here in black sheep land. Thanks to a job offer I could not refuse I packed up the car with as much crap as I could squeeze into t and headed down the east coast to Florida, the sunshine state, God's waiting room, where you can take you gun to work.

A few things I have thought about recently:
I could rant incessantly about Pope Benedict's newly polished image after his US visit but let me point out that he is still keeping the world's most notorious pedophile enabler safe and sound in a cushy basilica job in Rome and made sure Boston Bernie has the world's best "get out of jail free card", a Vatican diplomatic passport. I do not trust the Pope's miraculous change of heart, infallible or not.

John McCain makes me grit my teeth every time I hear him utter, "My friend...". Let us just hope that enough local election commissions de-certify the use of Diebold voting machines this time around. Give me a butterfly ballot any day.

More later.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blarg, indeed!