Wednesday, January 30, 2008


In less than a week I will have donated stem cells at a big hospital in a major American city. Within a day those same cells will be transplanted into someone who needs them to survive. In fact as I write this blog entry, that person has started the necessary procedures that will culminate in receiving my stem cells. The clock is running and the point of no return was yesterday.
I don't have any delusions that I am a hero or that I am saving someones life. The medical professionals involved are the real heroes. I'm just supplying some raw materials. I have been the recipient of a lot of praise that I feel is somewhat undeserved since all I am doing is getting some pretty big needles shoved into my arms and being uncomfortable for a few days. I'll get a few days off from work and all the ice cream I can eat. It isn't like donating a kidney or something. Everything I am offering will grow back in a couple weeks.
I am not a religious or even spiritual person. I don't pray to any deity, in fact I am dubious as to whether god exists in any form. I do know one thing. Jesus, if he did exist, mortal or divine, would do the same thing.
P.S. SNARK ALERT I was going to post an unflattering picture of Rush Limbaugh and write that I would reserve the right to ask for my stem cells back if I learned that they went to him. But... Jesus would not do that and besides the picture of Limbaugh just creeped me out.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A post for no other reason than posting.

I guess it's time to just list some of what has transpired in my so called life over the past year. I'm posting them for no other reason than to look back at them and ask myself, "Why the hell did I post that crap?"

First, My career is stuck to a glue board in the basement corner. It has pretty much stopped struggling and sits waiting for someone to bash it's brains in with something heavy. To say that I have made some strategic errors along the way would be akin to being nominated for the Golden Globe in the category of "duh!". 2008 is going to be a year of cutting my losses and hitting the reset button. On the other hand, being selected as a stem cell donor (coming up in less than 2 weeks) has been a much needed emotional boost and has done wonders for my self image. I haven't looked forward to being this uncomfortable in years. Someone close to me said that in the end, the gates to heaven would be wide open for me. Makes me wish I believed that those gates existed.

I lost a friend recently, actually I lost that friend a while ago but I'm just not very observant. Another reason to hit the reset button. Let me see...DABDA, yeah dabda. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. I am somewhere along that timeline, much closer to acceptance I think. Yeah, Acceptance with a side of anger, hold the depression and I'll take that to go.

On the plus side, I did get to re-find a friend from 30+ years ago, another one of the high school hallway invisibles, a friend who always accepted me, warts and all. I am looking forward to talking about more than 3 decades of adventures and broken hearts.

My 2008 resolutions:

-Remember old friends fondly.
-Make smarter decisions.
-Consider myself first but don't fail to give something back.
-Never vote Republican... or Democrat. Nowadays independent is no bargain either.
-Wear a sweater around the house instead of cranking up the heat.
-Rub the dog's belly and let the parrot fall asleep on my shoulder at least once a week.
-Hit the gym more often than I...Oh who the fuck am I kidding!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Waiting patiently

The timing seems to have been just right. The stem cell collection has been put off for a couple weeks since the patient (Dave, not his real name) is going through some other medical treatments that I assume would better prepare him for the transplant. The timing was right since I am just getting over one of those nasty, annoying January colds. My voice has been so raspy for the past week that I thought of auditioning for one of those movie trailer voice-over gigs.

I keep trying to get a perspective on this thing and try to imagine if I was the one who was in need of a marrow or stem cell transplant. Who knows, maybe someday I will be in need but it isn't today. After going through the most comprehensive health evaluation I have ever experienced including x-rays, an EKG, a CT scan and enough blood work to last the rest of my life, I can safely state that I am very least physically anyway. So for the first time I have started to think about what happens after they collect (harvest?) my stem cells and transplant them. Is there anything else I could do that would make a difference?

So I wait patiently, drink lots of water and not so much beer. I keep away from aspirin or any other OTC drugs and hit the gym almost as often as I really need to.