Saturday, March 22, 2008

Replacement post

I just finished a barn-burner, pissed off rant about a personal incident regarding my former employer and health care coverage. After reading it over, editing and spellchecking an editing some more I decided to just leave it unpublished for reasons that I will also keep to myself. I will however publish one, and only one line from the essay:

"Bah, Humbug!"

So in place of that acrimonious rant, a bad joke:

Two TV antennas got married. The ceremony was boring but the reception was great!

Yeah, I know. I liked the humbug line better myself.


Anonymous said...

Awww c'mon! Rant away!

Anonymous said...

Nah, the bastards have rabid lawyers.
So I'll just play with the bubble wrap and look at the pretty, shiny tin foil.